Shlomo's Poetry Collection

A gathering place for the various poems I have written over the years.

  • Mother's Day Poem 2014


    Mother’s Day 2014

    It’s that time once again, the day is here.

    Don’t act surprised it happens every year.

    Some folks buy candy, flowers and such,

    But others prefer a more personal touch.

    It’s easy to speak of love and devotion,

    Better to show that it’s not just emotion.

    For all that you do, day in and day out,

    It’s plain to see that without a doubt,

    You set your family first in your heart and your hand

    So even strangers feel loved and understand,

    That your love is real it’s not just what you say,

    So we applaud you now, Happy Mother’s Day.

    © Shlomo Brabham – May 2014

  • Another Birthday Poem


    Once again I have written another birthday poem for my wife.

    This year we decided to go out to eat so I wrote this short piece

    with that context in mind.


    Today is The Day


    Today is the day when we shall eat and drink.

    We'll have a great meal without filling the sink

    With pots and pans and cutlery,

    You might be wondering, "How could this be?"


    Most meals like this start with a trip to the store

    Buying meats and greens and spices galore.

    Then it's home again, home again clickity clack,

    But there's still something more so I have to go back.


    Next comes the cutting, the slicing and chopping,

    And did I mention there's always more shopping?

    Making a big meal for a group can be fun,

    That is if you like to always be on the run.


    Today of course was not like that at all,

    We all had some down time, we all had a ball.

    Watching TV and hanging around,

    And now we're out for a time on the town.


    I'm glad you could join us here in this place,

    As we savor our food at a much slower pace.

    The friends who are here are a gift from above,

    They show us GOD's favor and tangible love.


    So, I offer a toast, lift your cup with me,

    As we celebrate my wife, who is now fifty-three.


    © Shlomo Brabham  2012

  • Mother's Day Poem - 2011



    You say that this year you don’t want flowers or candy,

    Would you rather I spend it on Sophie and Mandy?

    You want to go to an auction if you could have your way,

    So you can place your bid on the pick of the day.

    They say that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,

    I say “Follow your heart, if that’s your pleasure.”

    Why should you eat steak if you really want fish?

    This is your day so you should have your wish.

    So you went to the auction and what did you find?

    Was it peaceful and relaxing, did you gain peace of mind?

    To this question and such “No,”  is what I would say,

    But I’m glad you had fun, Happy Mother’s Day.


    © Shlomo Brabham - 2011


  • A Season To Celebrate


    Today is my wife's birthday, so I wrote a poem for her and I want to share it here.


    Another year has come and gone and we're a little bit older,

    But our days are growing rich and a little less colder.

    Together we have raised a girl and a boy

    Through laughter and pain

    Through sunshine and rain

    The seeds we once planted are now flowers we enjoy.

    When you were young you invested your talents and skills,

    To build a home where our dreams would one day be fulfilled.

    So now we celebrate this season with you,

    Happy Birthday my dear wife as you turn fifty-two.


    © Shlomo Brabham - 2011